Did You Know That Your Posture Affects Memory Recall and Mood?
Your Posture Affects Your
Memory Recall and Mood
Even old Charlie Brown understood how spinal posture can affect your wellbeing!
The link between posture and mood is embedded in idiomatic phrases such as walking tall, standing proud, and an upstanding citizen, versus collapsed, defeated, or in a slump.
Language suggests that posture and mood/emotions are connected. Slumped posture is commonly observed in depression (Canales et al., 2010; Michalak et al., 2009) and adapting an upright posture increases positive affect, reduces fatigue, and increases energy in people with mild to moderate depression (Wilkes et al., 2017; Peper & Lin, 2012).
The below article describes in detail a research study that demonstrated how posture affects memory recall (Peper et al, 2017). The findings may explain why depression is increasing the more people use cell phones. More importantly, learning posture awareness and sitting more upright at home and in the office may be an effective somatic self-healing strategy to increase positive affect and decrease depression.
Remember to look after your spine, it affects everything you do!
Reference: https://peperperspective.com/2017/11/25/posture-affects-memory-recall-and-mood