How Much Water Should You Be Drinking?
How Much Water Should You Be Drinking?
Everybody knows that drinking water is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, a study at the University of Sydney found that a whopping 82% of Australians failed to meet their recommended water intake!
Do you want to know why drinking water is important? Well, water is essential for pretty much everything that happens in your body, including blood circulation, metabolism, cognitive function, regulation of body temperature and waste removal. And because 50-80% of your body weight is water, it’s critical to maintaining good health that we keep topping up and stay well hydrated.
So, how much water should you be drinking? Let’s keep it simple. According to the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) the recommended intake for Australians and New Zealanders’ is 2.6L for adult males, 2.1L for adult females and 1.0–1.9 L for children and adolescents. Depending on the glass, 2 litres of water is around 8 glasses per day.
That’s probably a lot more than what most people are actually drinking, so if you’re not sure just keep a track through the day. If you are not getting the recommended intake then try and get another couple of glasses in.
Also, your recommended daily intake of water can vary according to your age, the amount you exercise, as well as with pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Bonus tip for all those students who are starting back at school or university!
A 2017 study at East London and Westminster Universities, found that students who drank just 300mls of water in class boosted attention by up to 25%! So, if you’re finding it hard to focus, experiencing fatigue, sleep issues or headaches; grab a good size bottle of water and clear out that brain fog!
So remember to stay well hydrated and drink plenty of clean, fresh water ever day. If you’re unsure of how much you should be drinking, just ask us on your next visit!